Supports in place for entrepreneurs during COVID-19
The Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub supplies a list of resources for entrepreneurs
The Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) has compiled a list of the many supports that are in place for all entrepreneurs, including women, in response to COVID-19. Included are lists and links for government relief programs, business opportunities, policy advice from experts, and upcoming webinars.
WEKH is a national network for sharing research, resources, and leading strategies across organizations that support women entrepreneurs. With ten regional hubs and a network of more than 200 partners, WEKH is designed to address the needs of diverse women entrepreneurs across regions and across sectors.
WEKH Manitoba Directors Suzanne Gagnon, Associate Professor and Director for the James W. Burns Leadership Institute, and Debra Jonasson-Young, Director, Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship, are working with WEKH to provide resources and information for the Manitoba network during this critical time.
“We at WEKH Manitoba are providing this information to you in the hopes that either you or those you serve, will find this information timely and valuable,” says Jonasson-Young. “We encourage you to share this information with those in your network that could benefit from this knowledge”.