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Support staff winners 2024

L to R: Breanne Mitenko and nominator Taylor Friesen, Jessica Rutherford and nominator Semone Myrie, nominator Anna Rogiewicz and Diana Garcia Posada, nominator Cristina Rosell and Alison Ser, kneeling in front Brad Sparling

Support staff awards presented in Agricultural and Food Sciences

July 11, 2024 — 

Each year the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences calls for nominations of a support staff member or team who have made outstanding contributions in support of the teaching, research, service and outreach goals of the Faculty.

At a celebratory barbecue to celebrate all nominees held on July 10, five nominees received recognition for their service to the Faculty.

  • Breanne Mitenko, Student Services Office
  • Diana Garcia Posada, Department of Animal Science
  • Jessica Rutherford, Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
  • Alison Ser, Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
  • Brad Sparling, Department of Soil Science

Following the event, the award winners were announced. The first award was given to Breanne Mitenko, Academic Advisor and Award Coordinator, for her outstanding service to students and her work on improving processes in the awards program. The second award was given to Jessica Rutherford, MAHN Coordinator, for her exceptional administrative leadership and support for the the Master of Applied Human Nutrition program in its inaugural year.

A special note of thanks goes to the people who helped organize the lunch hour and to the nominators, who took the time to recognize and nominate support staff for the awards. Appreciation goes to all FAFS support staff for the continued assistance provided to teaching, research and outreach efforts.

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