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ROSE wraps up

March 31, 2014 — 

After nearly four years and 24 successfully completed projects, the Resource Optimization and Service Enhancement (ROSE) Program wraps-up today, March 31, 2014.

It launched in 2009 and its goal was to make the university examine itself, to rethink its processes and how it delivers services. ROSE identified areas where we could be more efficient, cost-effective and service-oriented. The ROSE initiatives have touched all areas of the University, from the way we communicate with prospective students to the way we purchase computers. Final reports are still being developed and when they are completed UM Today will share with you some of the exciting successes and new initiatives ROSE spurred.

A ROSE appreciation video, from 2011 and still relevant


In the weeks ahead, there may be further questions for those whose work is involved in and affected by ROSE initiatives. We are committed to hearing those questions and providing answers. You are encouraged to contact Les Howard, ROSE program manager, at 204-474-8132 and, while those who prefer to share their feedback anonymously can continue to do so via the ROSE website.



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