Research centre offers services to the community
Comprehensive and affordable research supports available to organizations
Did you know that the Centre for Social Science Research and Policy (CSSRP) at the University of Manitoba can assist with the research projects of organizations external to the university?
Businesses and non-profits who do not have the staff or capacity to conduct research themselves, who require support in certain areas of research or who need assistance in training their current staff members in a particular methodology or research approach will benefit the most from the CSSRP’s services.
Attend the CSSRP virtual open house on May 5, 2022.
The CSSRP, opened in 2021, serves as a focal point for research methodologies and policy-related activities in the social sciences. Their staff and affiliates have extensive experience with a number of different research methods and are able to assist organizations and groups both internal and external to the university with their processes and analyses.
The CSSRP will host a virtual open house on Thursday, May 5 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CT to highlight their research services available for hire.
At the open house, participants will hear about the comprehensive research support the CSSRP can provide including design consultations, ethics, data collection and analysis and employee training. The centre can help with the development and deployment of a wide range of research tools such as surveys, interviews and focus groups, assist with database creation and provide analysis of quantitative and qualitative research results. In addition to hearing about what they can do, they will provide examples of their track record of projects to date.
“Being based at the university, our research staff and affiliates have extensive knowledge and experience and we offer quality work along with affordable rates to the research community,” said Dr. Royce Koop, Academic Director of the CSSRP. “Our staff work directly with clients to understand and develop what is needed, and with our knowledge in a wide range of research methods and tools, we can offer expertise to companies that they may not have the ability to develop or afford in-house.”
While work can be conducted in research on any theme, the centre has done substantial work in equity, diversity and inclusion, helping customers assess success in their organizations, the attitudes of employees and customers and ways forward to improve EDI outcomes. Their training workshop offerings continue to expand. The centre currently offers a number of workshops for research practitioners, students and academics and can build custom workshops to meet an organization’s needs in areas such as: statistics and quantitative methods, databases and data, qualitative data analysis and software and focus groups.
The CSSRP is eager to engage with private industry and non-profit organizations across Winnipeg, Canada and internationally.
To learn more about how the CSSRP can help your organization, group or team achieve your research goals, register for the virtual open house happening on Thursday, May 5.
Contact the CSSRP
The CSSRP may be reached at cssrp@umanitoba.ca.