College of Medicine to inaugurate 110 med students into the Faculty of Health Sciences during the annual “white coat” ceremony.
Incoming class sees recent enhanced and diverse admissions changes in medicine
On Wednesday, August 19, the College of Medicine will inaugurate 110 med students into the Faculty of Health Sciences during the annual “white coat” ceremony, held at the University of Manitoba’s Bannatyne Campus.
The Medicine Class of 2019 is comprised of 10 self-declared Aboriginal students; four French-speaking Bilingual students; and 22 students with rural attributes which include: rural roots; rural work experience or rural volunteer experience. This year, 96 per cent of the 110 students are Manitobans.
One of which is Med I student Anna Schwartz, who credits herself as taking an “unusual path” to medicine. The mother of six worked as an occupational therapist for eight years before opting to embark on a career in medicine. Schwartz says she’s open to share her journey, “even if it’s for no other reason but to encourage other older, non-traditional students to pursue their dreams and not give up.” The mature student is a fair representation of the diverse student-body admitted to the College.
In June the Dean of Medicine, Dr. Brian Postl, Dean of Medicine; Dean & Vice-Provost (Health Sciences), announced a revision to the College of Medicine’s admissions policy aimed to further enhance the diversity of applicants to Manitoba’s medical school.
This is the first incoming class since the new changes — hoping to attract medical students that reflect Manitoba’s diversity in ethnicity, socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions and sexual orientation — were implemented.
“We are excited to welcome a new student body into an environment we feel is more diverse and inclusive to all members of our community,” said Dr. Postl. “Through enhanced diversity, by making those spaces available for qualified candidates from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds, I see a great future for our students and for health care in our province.”
Who: Medical School Class of 2019
What: White Coat Ceremony including reciting of Hippocratic Oath
When: Wednesday, August 19, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
Where: Brodie Centre Atrium, 727 McDermot Avenue, U of M Bannatyne Campus
Alumnus, epidemiologist Prabhat Jha [MD/88] will be returning to his Alma mater to give the keynote address. Dr. Jha has been a key figure in epidemiology and economics of global health for the past decade. He is the U of T Endowed Professor in Disease Control, and the founding Director of the Centre for Global Health Research at St. Michael’s Hospital. He is a lead investigator of the Million Death Study in India, and co‐investigator of the Disease Control Priorities Network. He has published widely on tobacco and disease control. Dr. Jha served as Senior Scientist for the World Health Organization, and headed the World Bank team responsible for developing the Second National HIV/AIDS Control Program in India.
Also speaking at this year’s event are: Minister of Health Sharon Blady; Lori Lamont, Interim President and CEO, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority; and Dr. Anna Ziomek, Registrar, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba.
The annual Inaugural Day Exercises includes the symbolic tradition of students putting on their white coat for the very first time and taking a vow to practice ethical medicine throughout their education and careers by reciting the Hippocratic Oath.
First-year students will be available to speak with media. Interviews with self-declared Aboriginal students and bilingual students can also be arranged.
For more information contact Ilana Simon, Director of Communications & Marketing, College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, 204-789-3427 or cell 204- 295-6777 or ilana.simon@umanitoba.ca.