New Sport and Rec Registration System
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management is excited to announce the roll-out of the new online registration system for all sport and recreation activities at the U of M, including Rec Services, Junior Bisons, MiniU and Aquatics programs!
Beginning August 22nd, you will be able to visit umanitoba.ca/sportandrec to look around at the new system and claim your user ID. Online registrations will begin on the following days:
August 26th: Rec Services and Junior Bisons registrations open
August 28th: MiniU and Aquatics registrations open
With improved sign-in and navigation, you can easily register for programs anytime, anywhere, from any device.
With the launch of our new online registration software, active customer accounts were carried over. This includes:
- Gym memberships
- Clients who have registered for programs during the past 18 months
If you believe your account has been carried over, simply enter your email and a link will be sent to your inbox to reset your password.
Once your account is activated, you can browse and register for programs (after the dates listed above, August 26th for some programs and August 28th for the remainder).
If you are a NEW customer, you will be able to create your new account, complete the required information and set a password.
If you receive an error message or are unsure if you have an existing account, contact our Customer Service Team at 204-474-6100.