New Engineer-in-Residence – Vern F. Campbell
The Faculty of Engineering is thrilled to announce that Vern Campbell has accepted the position of Engineer-in-Residence at the University of Manitoba.
Vern is a Professional Engineer (APEGM), earning his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering, with Distinction, from the University of Manitoba. He was awarded the Gold Medal from the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, and went on to attain his Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario. Vern spent 10 years at Manitoba Hydro (1989-1999), first in financial planning and then leading their Quality Improvement Initiative.
Vern has over 20 years of experience in the field of strategy development, strategy deployment and process improvement. He has consulted with various industries and sectors: healthcare, manufacturing, human resources/payroll, electric utilities, packaging, education, regulatory bodies, to name but a few.
Vern’s consultancy practice focuses on maximizing operational effectiveness, efficiency, employee fulfillment and results. Vern’s opportunities to learn from world experts in organizational improvement have led to his broad level of experience consulting to manufacturers, service industries, non-profit groups and health care organizations within Canada and the U.S.
In essence, Mr. Campbell strives to help organizations implement and apply world class problem-solving methods, thereby achieving continuous and sustainable improvement systems. Identifying the root causes of gaps between current and desired levels of performance provides the core foundation for improving processes enabling good people to have the opportunity to be successful at their work. Combining the power of the expert knowledge, experience and intuition of the people doing the work with a focused direction, a rigourous problem solving method and basic data analysis skills, leads to a strong, rewarding and sustainable process for ongoing and continuous improvement.
The Faculty of Engineering is looking forward to having Vern’s experience, connections, and expertise available to our faculty and students.