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Environmental Health and Safety Office
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Canada Goose

Geese who’s back

Respect the goose: Cohabiting with campus wildlife

Over the next few weeks, geese are returning to Manitoba. Several geese have already been spotted this week. As we welcome back our migrating wildlife, Physical Plant is preparing for the increased goose presence at the Fort Garry campus.

Many geese stay in and around Winnipeg because of their protected status in urban environments and the availability of water, food, nesting sites and safety from predators.

Please be cautious! These unique campus community members are interesting and fun to watch — but be sure to do so from afar. Geese can be aggressive when they feel threatened. However, with some consideration, geese and humans can share our campus without incident.

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Peaceful end to the encampment

Following a message to encampment participants on Tuesday, the encampment has now been peacefully dismantled. UM will make any necessary repairs to the landscaping in order to return the Quad to the community for regular use.

© University of Manitoba • Winnipeg, Manitoba • Canada • R3T 2N2

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