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2 Killer whales swimming in the open water (photo: Dianne Maddox)

Mongabay News: Killer whales have found new homes in the Arctic Ocean, potentially reshaping marine ecology

December 3, 2024 — 

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are finding a new place to roam in the rapidly changing Arctic Ocean. Though Indigenous people in the region have seen the whales, also known as orcas, pop up sporadically for centuries, the predators now have more access to the chilly waters than ever before.

Two distinct killer whale populations now claim habitats in the Arctic, according to a team led by researchers at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. But the whales’ presence raises conservation concerns that may be difficult to address, the team reported recently in Global Change Biology.

To read more about this research, please follow the link to Mongabay News.

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