Mini U summer programs cancelled
The University of Manitoba is committed to helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 to protect the health and safety of our community. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to cancel all Mini U summer programming.
Summer camp programs and swimming lessons were originally scheduled to run from July 6 through to Sept. 4, 2020.
“For close to half a century, children from across the province have called Mini U their home away from home during the summer months,” says Mini U Programs’ acting director, Ashley Gagnon. “Countless friendships have been forged and priceless memories have been made. We understand the magnitude of this decision and empathize with its impact to your family.”
If you paid online for your summer camps, a refund will be processed automatically and will appear on your credit card in 4-6 weeks. If you paid in-person, or over the phone, please contact our customer service team Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 204-474-6100 to arrange for a refund.
Please connect with Mini U Programs on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and at miniu.ca for updates and news as it arises.
From our Mini U family to yours, we thank you for your understanding and we look forward to a time we can safely be together again.
The safety of our community is our highest priority. We will continue to work with the rest of UM, health care experts and public health authorities to assess operation of other FKRM programs including Junior Bisons summer camps and Recreation Services summer programming.