Asper Co-op students can apply their academic training in hands-on roles that contribute to the employer’s bottom line. (Photo credit: Darcy Finley)
MBiz: Asper Co-op gives students, employers competitive edge
The Asper Co-operative Education Program was the focus of a recent article in MBiz magazine.
The article highlighted the benefits of paid work terms for the co-op employers who hire Asper students:
Established in 2006, the program gives employers an opportunity to recruit and “test-drive” highly motivated students who consistently excel during their four-month work placements.
“Approximately 80 per cent of our students will end up with their first career job post-graduation with one of their previous co-op employers, so it’s a great recruitment and retention tool for employers,” says Kelly Mahoney, director of the Asper Career Development Centre.
“You can bring them in for a four-month period and assess the skill set, the aptitude, personality fit with your team … and then if you like them you certainly have the opportunity to invite them to work full-time or do another placement.”
The students also benefit:
Students compete for paid work placements that are meaningful and relevant to their field of study. Starting at the end of their second year of university, they have three four-month co-op placements over the following two years. They’re exposed to different workplace cultures and management styles and they’re able to apply their academic training in hands-on roles that contribute to the employer’s bottom line.
Asper Co-op is the only Manitoba program accredited by CAFCE (the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education). Last year, 100 per cent of Asper Co-op students found employment after graduating. 96 per cent of employers said they would hire their co-op student if given the opportunity, and 99.6 per cent said they would recommend the program to other employers.