Jewish Post and News: Cecil Rosner to teach new course on media literacy
To help people decode media
As reported in the Jewish Post and News (print edition):
I’ve developed and will be teaching a new course that your readers might be interested in.
It’s designed to help people decode news media, spot disinformation, and it teaches techniques of investigative journalism so people can find information on their own.
These are some of the things I’ve been teaching to journalists, mostly inside the CBC, for the last 30 years. This is a six-week online course open to anyone. The reality is that anyone can use these techniques. They just need to know where to look and how to do it.
It’s offered by my old alma mater: University of Manitoba. Because it’s a non-credit course, anyone can take it, and the university awards a credential on completion.
The course runs May 8 – June 16.
– Cecil