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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
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Interested in helping people get active?

Research study looking for participants to mentor students living with disabilities

March 28, 2016 — 

Are you a Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management student interested in helping others be more physically active?

If so, you may be eligible to participate in an eight-week exercise study at the Active Living Centre working with peers and students living with disabilities.

There are over 900 UofM students living with one or multiple disabilities whom are also paying members of Recreation Services’ Active Living Centre (ALC) and Joe Doupe Recreation Centre. But are these self-identified students actually using their memberships? Do they feel like these facilities are truly accessible to them?

This study will pair students from FKRM with peers/students with disabilities as identified by the university’s Student Accessibility Services department. The pair will exercise together in the ALC once a week for eight weeks, with the FKRM student acting as a guide and mentor to ensure the student with the disability feels at ease and comfortable in their surroundings.

Interested? Contact the research lead, FKRM assistant professor Dr. Fiona Moola, at or 204-998-1039.








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