Insect Friends and Foes
UM Knowledge Exchange examines the balance between people and insects across ecosystems and agriculture April 24
On Wednesday April 24, 2024, join the UM Knowledge Exchange for an exploration of efforts to address the declining population of bees and other beneficial insects, along with recent advances in controlling pests like mosquitoes. The panel of Manitoba experts will explore the complex relationship between people and insects with the goal of preserving the delicate balance in our ecosystems and agriculture.
UM Knowledge Exchange is an important opportunity for UM researchers to share emerging knowledge with members of the public and the wider UM community. UM Knowledge Exchange is hosted by the Associate Vice-President Research, with support from the UM Learning for Life Network.
Many insects provide valuable services such as pollination, biological control, decomposition and forming vital links in food webs, while others cause devastation and misery by eating crops, affecting livestock and spreading disease. Join our expert panel this spring to learn how you can protect yourself from pests while attracting pollinators and the myriad of other beneficial insects in our yards and farms.
Dr. Kateryn Rochon, Acting Head, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Dr. Rob Currie, Professor, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Dr. Steve Whyard, Associate Dean (Research), Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science
Dr. John Gavloski, Entomologist, Manitoba Agriculture
Insect Friends and Foes, April 24, 7pm-8:30pm (CDT) at Degrees Diner. UM Knowledge Exchange is a hybrid event with in-person and online options to attend.
Please register by April 19th to join the discussion.
Add Insect Friends and Foes to your calendar. Coffee and other refreshments will be provided, and the kitchen at Degrees Diner will be open for specialty coffee and full food service. Parking is available with registration.
Or join us for online viewing 7 pm CDT to watch the live stream. Participate during the live session by asking your questions via email to: Research [dot] Communications [at] UManitoba [dot] ca
The seven-part UM Knowledge Exchange panel-discussion series is ongoing until May 2024. More details can be found on the UM Knowledge Exchange webpage.
Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.