Improve your campus commute
Fill out the Campus Commute survey and win prizes
We need your help to improve your campus commute. By filling out the 2020 Campus Commute survey, you influence the improvement of transportation options on and leading to our campuses.
In January 2018, 6,600 people from the University community shared their experiences commuting to campus by participating in the second Campus Commute survey. Now, we are asking for your help to fill out a follow up survey so the UM can continue to improve sustainable transportation to campus.
Fill out the survey between Jan. 13 – 31 for a chance to win a $500 grocery gift certificate; or one of 10 $50 food vouchers for Degrees, Campo or Starbucks.
2018 survey results and action
Feedback from the 2018 survey helped solidify the actions and priorities within the Sustainable Transportation Strategy 2017-2022 for our campuses. The Strategy has over 65 action items to continue to expand and improve transportation options on and leading to our campuses, including projects like:
- implementation of the pedestrian and cycling plan for our campuses
- upgrades to roadway, cycling and pedestrian infrastructure
- additional supports for carpooling (project launched – GoManitoba)
- exploring opportunities to improve awareness of transit options through a central Transportation HUB website (project launched – Transportation HUB)
- continued improvements to Transit service, parking flexibility and active transportation programming
The new survey will provide UM with the data and information needed to continue planning and executing more sustainable transportation projects like those listed above.