Highlighting made-in-Manitoba active learning research
Sixth annual HLHPRI Research Day takes place May 8
Active learning through varied perspectives is the focus for the Health, Leisure, and Human Performance Research Institute’s sixth annual Research Day.
“We have designed this Institute event to explore perspectives, ideas and applications of research,” says Institute director, Todd Duhamel.
“Institute affiliates have a rich history of partnering with community organizations to enhance the knowledge creation and dissemination, which will be highlighted this year in a forum exploring how lab based research influences community approaches to more fully understand the role of rhythm in inclusive physical activities.”
Research Day takes place Tuesday, May 8 in the University of Manitoba’s Frank Kennedy Centre from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The day will live primarily in the Active Living Centre Agora area, with concurrent sessions taking place within close proximity. The day’s program includes keynote addresses, concurrent sessions, and student research poster presentations.
Dr. Ulrich Mueller of the University of Victoria will open the day with a keynote presentation entitled Learning Through the Natural World: The Effects of Outdoor Education on Developmental and Health Outcomes. This will parlay into a panel discussion featuring the director of education of Fort Whyte Alive, land-based education expert Dr. Brian Rice, and outdoor learning educator Michael Link.
Sessions of note include a presentation and forum on a study of First Nations’ women and their experience and expressions with heart health. That forum will facilitate the sharing of Indigenous perspectives of mite achimowin (Cree for ‘heart talk’) knowledge.
Expert speakers will also share their perspectives about topics such as learning not to fall, using Drag performance as a way to explore gender, and understanding the role of rhythm in inclusive physical activities.
“Few institutes have the breadth of expertise and critical mass needed to explore the theme of active learning through varied perspectives,” adds Duhamel.
Research Day is free to attend and open to all. You’re encouraged to register which you can do on the Research Day website.
The Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute (HLHPRI) is housed within the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management. It’s aim is to facilitate, conduct, and disseminate research of the highest quality to advance our understanding of health, leisure and human performance.