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Biomedical Youth Camp

Children have fun learning at Biomedical Youth Camp

Hands-on science camp draws more Northern participants

July 22, 2014 — 

This year’s Biomedical Youth Camp (BYC) will host 16 Indigenous high school students from various Northern communities, including: Thompson, Churchill, The Pas, Norway House, Pine Falls, Hodgson (Pegius), Nelson House, and Pelican Rapids; a 34 per cent increase from last year.

The University of Manitoba College of Medicine, the event host, will see 120 Aboriginal, new Canadian, and inner-city youth at the 8th annual BYC which runs from Monday, July 21 to Friday, July 25. The free educational day camp hosts students in Grades 4 to 12 who may not otherwise have the financial means to attend summer programs.

The budding scientists will experience a typical day through the eyes of a doctor, researcher, scientist, or health professional, by carrying out various hands-on activities in real labs at the U of M’s Bannatyne Campus.



Brian Postl, Dean of Medicine, said the College is excited to engage inner-city and First Nations’ youth with programs like the science-focused summer camp.

“Each year we welcome these young minds to our campus with the hope that we can help shape their future goals; perhaps, after attending the camp, they will consider a post-secondary education and a career in the health or science fields…their potential is without limits.”

Students will have the opportunity to attend up to ten of the 19 workshops scheduled for the week. Participants will use microscopes to analyze proteins and extract DNA; learn how to test for Lyme disease; and use medical simulation technology to replicate real-life medical procedures and emergencies. There will also be a special session on the topic of adolescent diabetes.

“Through these activities students will learn about the causes and prevention of various illnesses or diseases,” says Francis Amara, Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics and Director, Biomedical Youth Program and Inner-City Science Centre.

“Hopefully, they will lead with example upon returning to their schools or communities and share their newfound or reaffirmed excitement for science.”


Members of the media are invited to interview/film/record participants and University of Manitoba instructors at:

Faculty of Medicine Biomedical Youth Summer Camp
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
10:15 a.m.
Meet in Brodie Centre Atrium, 727 McDermot Avenue,
Bannatyne Campus, University of Manitoba

 For more information contact Ilana Simon, Director of Communications & Marketing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, 204-789-3427, (cell) 204-295-6777 or


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