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700 high school students learn about the University of Manitoba

Evening of Excellence

October 22, 2013 — 

On October 22, more than 700 prospective students and their families visited Fort Garry campus for the Evening of Excellence, our annual open house for high-achieving high school students.

tweetStudents who lead their peers in academics, athletics, community and school leadership were in attendance to learn more about the University of Manitoba’s faculties and programs, extra-curricular opportunities, scholarships and services for students through networking with current students and faculty.

All faculties were represented in an academic fair, held on University Centre’s second floor, which included innovative and engaging activities and displays such as Let’s Talk Science experiments from the Faculty of Science, Student Residence’s mock room setup and vínarterta from the Department of Icelandic Language and Literature in the Faculty of Arts.

Tours of University Centre and Pembina Hall Residence were well-attended, as were presentations on the student experience at the U of M – lead by student staff (all recipients of the prestigious Leader of Tomorrow scholarship) – scholarships and career planning.

A Leader of Tomorrow lounge encouraged students to learn more about entrance scholarships, create a profile on UMConnect, our CRM system for prospective students, as well as enter a draw for one of two $1,000 tuition prizes.

students pose with Bison mascot

Students break from learning about opportunities at the U of M to get a picture with a local celebrity, Billy.


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