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A crowd of students with their display prototypes

Engineering ingenuity unveiled during ENG 1430 Design Showcase

December 14, 2023 — 

 A judge listens to students presenting their prototype

Fall 2023 marked a significant evolution in ENG 1430 with the introduction of an experiential learning initiative—the end-of-semester Design Showcase. This initiative brought a real-world twist to the theoretical knowledge the students have been absorbing in the classroom. The challenge? Design, build and test a scaled prototype of a smart irrigation system for an on-campus client. All engineering students take ENG 1430, it is a course that is more than just a stepping stone; it is the cornerstone that lays the foundation for their future in the field.

For six weeks, teams immersed themselves in the intricacies of engineering design, professional communication, project management, and teamwork. They faced the kind of challenges that textbooks couldn’t quite capture—real-world engineering challenges that demanded critical thinking and practical problem-solving skills.

As the semester drew to a close, the teams unveiled their creations at the Design Showcase, a culmination of weeks of hard work and ingenuity. The EITC Atrium and E2-229 was filled with a hum of excitement as students stood at the ready to present their prototypes to industry professionals, faculty representatives and upper year students. The collaboration with these seasoned experts not only bridged the gap between academia and industry but also allowed students to showcase their designs to an audience that truly understood the nuances of their craft. Many engineering industry members are also alumni of the Price Faculty of Engineering who welcomed the opportunity to return to campus to see how things have changed since they were students of ENG 1430. 

After a close competition, team 214, consisting of Sarah Bryce, Liam Unrau, Justin Anderson, Hunter Ferrand-McBay and Danika Richard, won the award for the highest-ranked prototype and presentation—an acknowledgment from the experts that their design stood out in terms of both innovation and execution.

The audience had their say too. Team 210, consisting of Yonas Jonk, Taylor Williamson, Kathryn Harper-Beaucage, Hussain Hussameldin and Claudio Franz, won the Audience’s Favourite Design—an accolade that spoke volumes about their ability to connect with the broader community through their innovative solution and presentation skills.

The Design Showcase wasn’t just about winning awards; it was a bridge to the future. The engagement with industry professionals exposed students to the expectations and standards of the engineering profession. It wasn’t just about theory anymore; it was about the practical applications of their studies, offering them a glimpse into the exciting and challenging world that awaited them in their upper years of education and beyond the classroom.

Group of smiling students

Audience Favourite

Students posing by their prototype

Winning team – not pictured Hunter Ferrand-McBay

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