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Gordon Giesbrecht presents with a microphone in hand

CBC Manitoba: Frozen lakes, rivers and ice roads may not be safe as ice melts, MPI warns

March 20, 2025 — 

People driving on ice roads or frozen lakes or rivers should always check the ice thickness before heading out and prepare for the worst-case scenario, said University of Manitoba Prof. Gordon Giesbrecht, a.k.a. Professor Popsicle, who’s a world-renowned expert on submersion and the effects of cold on the human body.

People need to remember the acronym SWOC if they’re inside a vehicle that breaks through ice, he said:

  • S is for seatbelts off
  • W is for windows open
  • O is for out immediately 
  • C is for getting children out first

To read the entire article, please follow the link to CBC Manitoba.

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