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Canadian Chiropractor: Making the chiropractic business case through big data

October 27, 2016 — 

As Canadian Chiropractor reports:

Equipping students with the knowledge and tools to be able to demonstrate the value of chiropractic in multidisciplinary health care teams will help in advancing the profession as primary spine care experts.

This was the point made by Winnipeg-based chiropractic researcher Dr. Steven Passmore, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, at the recent Education Conference hosted by the World Federation of Chiropractic and the Association of Chiropractic Colleges.

“What if we can show our (chiropractic) students how to collect uniform clinical data on every patient that walks through the door?” Passmore said. “What if we taught our students to be able to use technology to set up a system to record prospective quality assurance data on their patients?”

Citing his experience at Mount Carmel Clinic in Winnipeg, Passmore said data collection is not as complicated as one might think.







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