Campus abuzz with return of students, staff
The halls of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences are once again full of students and staff with the start of Fall term and the return to in-person learning and activities.
In addition to classes and labs, there have been a number of welcome-back events hosted by the Faculty, student council and student groups. From Welcome (Back) Day held the first week, which featured a pizza lunch and an opportunity to “dunk the dean”, to the meet-the-faculty barbecue and an ice cream social, students have been gathering to connect with each other and their instructors.
We were also excited to launch the new SEEDS (or Student Enrolment, Experience & Development of Skills) initiative. This exciting new program seeks to connect students with our Faculty’s people, improves academic pathways to and within our programs and builds up the skills that our students need to thrive in the agri-food industry. You can read the SEEDS plan to learn more.
Students have been taking part in professional development activities, like governance training for student leaders, a special career presentation by alum Kim McConnell, and the ASE Career Fair.
And we can’t forget the many important student life activities – from intramurals to Aggie Bedpush to fall student elections. The best way to stay in the loop for student activities is to follow our Instagram account @UM_agfoodsci and to visit the SEEDS events page.