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Body Talks: Chat with the experts

Proper sleep hygiene is vital to your health, performance, and recovery

February 23, 2016 — 

Can you sleep your way to a good workout or gold medal performance? Not necessarily, but a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your health, physical/mental productivity, and recovery.

Learn more with experts Dr. Diana McMillian and Daryl Hurrie, PhD candidate, as they chat about the importance of proper sleep hygiene and share tips on how you can get a productive night’s slumber.

What: Body Talks: Chat with the Experts — Sleep for Performance
Who: Diana McMillan, RN, PhD, College of Nursing; and Daryl Hurrie, PhD candidate, Certified Exercise Physiologist, Director of Sport Science, Canadian Sport Centre
When: Thursday, Feb 25, 2016, 5 p.m.
Where: Sessions will be held on the steps of the Applied Research Centre located beside the Active Living Centre Agora — 430 University Cres. (Parking available in adjacent lot).

Body Talks is a free information series offered monthly by University of Manitoba experts regarding exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle issues. Learn about everything from warm-up exercises to nutrition for exercise and training. Recent exercise fads and trends covered in the media will also be discussed.

Future dates and topics include:

  • What to Eat & When for Physical Activity – Semone Myrie, Department of Human Nutritional Sciences; Jorie Janzen, Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba, March 24, 2016, 5:00 p.m.
  • Maintaining Your Balance – Jonathan Singer, Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management; Kathryn Sibley, Department of Community Health Sciences, Apr 21, 2016, 5:00 p.m.

Visit for more information.







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