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Dr. Argenis Rodas-Gonzales and Manitoba beef producer Trevor Atchison during the 2015-16 Beef Researcher Mentorship Program.

Dr. Argenis Rodas-Gonzales and Manitoba beef producer Trevor Atchison during the 2015-16 Beef Researcher Mentorship Program.  Photo: Beef Cattle Research Council

Beef Cattle Research Council: Celebrating 10 Years of the BCRC Beef Researcher Mentorship Program

November 29, 2024 — 

The mentor-mentee relationships often extend far beyond the program. For example, the first cohort in 2014-15 included Dr. Emma McGeough, now an associate professor at the University of Manitoba, who was mentored by Janice Bruynooghe and Sandy Russell of Spring Creek Land and Cattle Consulting Inc. McGeough describes the enduring value of this connection: “To this day, I call Janice for advice, and she always answers. Conversations with producers and industry professionals help identify research gaps and priority areas.”

Read the whole article at Beef Cattle Research Council.

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