Active start: making the case for physical activity promotion in early childhood
The Health, Leisure, and Human Performance Research Institute will be hosting a Research Seminar Series on physical activity promotion in early childhood Friday, June 3 at the University of Manitoba.
Presenting on this topic is Dr. Jill Hnatiuk, Lecturer, Health & Physical Education, Western Sydney University. Hnatiuk is also a Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management alumna.
What: Research Seminar Series: Active start: making the case for physical activity promotion in early childhood
Who: Dr. Jill Hnatiuk, Lecturer, Health & Physical Education, Western Sydney University
When: Friday, June 3, 2:30 p.m.
Where: 136 Frank Kennedy Centre
The early childhood period (birth – 5 years old) has been identified as a critical stage of children’s development and a time when health behaviours are becoming established. However, very little research has focused on the role of physical activity participation in the early years, despite the established benefits of this behaviour for older children and adults. This may be due to a number of factors, including a lack of suitable measurement tools for use with young children until recently, and the perception that all young children are naturally active.
However, a growing body of evidence suggests that physical activity levels in early life may not be optimal, but can be favourably modified through supportive social and physical environments. Utilizing a behavioural epidemiology framework, my research focuses on two predominant areas: understanding the prevalence, patterns and health outcomes of physical activity participation in the early years to inform national physical activity recommendations; and developing evidence-based physical activity promotion programming for delivery within existing social and health systems.
This seminar will make the case for why physical activity participation in early childhood is important, and discuss ongoing physical activity promotion initiatives developed in collaboration with community, childcare and health sectors.
The Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute is housed within the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management and is one of the most diverse research institutes at the University of Manitoba.