Wide Open – Andrea Hamilton
Andrea Hamilton chose the Diploma in Agriculture program at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences because she wanted a program that provided technical and academic knowledge in a wide range of subjects along with practical experience.
“When I went into the program, I focused on livestock classes, but as I took more plant and soil courses I gained more interest in that area.”
Another draw for Andrea was the program’s Management Planning Project where students bring together the knowledge they have acquired throughout the diploma program in a comprehensive farm plan that moves them from where the farm is today, to where they want it to be. ”
“When comparing different diploma programs,” Andrea explains, “I saw the Management Planning Project would give me the tools and experience to run a farming operation or business. This sparked my interest greatly.”
After earning her diploma, Andrea transferred her credits into the Agronomy degree program. The ability to transfer credits between programs means students like Andrea who decide they would like to explore a discipline more deeply, can shorten the time it takes to earn a degree.
“The transfer program it made it very easy to continue my education–I can graduate with both a diploma and a degree in a total of four and a half years!”
When Andrea first entered the Faculty, she recognized a sense of community, adding “My favourite part of the Diploma in Agriculture program was how we were with the same people every day. This made the transition into University easier.”
Advice Andrea would give those entering the Faculty is to be active and attend events to meet people, make friends, and to also think outside of the box.
“Take classes that don’t correspond with your program that might be interesting to you,” she says.
Upon graduation, Andrea’s education will make it possible for her to either go back to her Glenboro area family farm or to pursue off-farm career opportunities.
The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences offers diverse programs where students are able to focus on what matters to them, whether it’s environmental stewardship, animal and plant care, commodity markets, human nutrition, or food safety. Along the way, students build the skills and knowledge that can take them from the field, to the research lab, to the boardroom. For students of Agricultural and Food Sciences, the options are – literally—wide open.
See more stories about students and alumni, and learn more about our programs.