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College of Nursing students participate in Skills Blitz

New nursing students participate in Skills Blitz

September 24, 2014 — 

The College of Nursing’s Skills Lab welcomed 240 new nursing students by having them participate in this year’s Skills Blitz. Skills Labs Coordinator, Barb Goodwin, developed the idea of having students move through various stations in the labs to be introduced to basic psychomotor skills and expose them to the learning lab environment.

Each cohort (approx. 20-22 students) spent time in the lab moving through the different stations set up for them to learn and practice some of the basic skills such as bedmaking, moving, lifting and transferring patients, vital signs, etc.

The College’s Skills lab team and volunteer faculty and students (3rd year students Rebecca Hofer and Brittany Silversteen; 4th year students Ana Correia, John Garcia, Caitlyn Farr and Susan Nanthasit) were on hand to show the new students the techniques and coach them as they practiced. Comments from the new students included: “I feel so much more comfortable in the environment!” and “That helped me understand how I was going to learn in this course!” Thanks to everyone who assisted with this event and helped these new nursing students feel welcome.


College of Nursing students change bed sheets at Skills Blitz

College of Nursing students change bed sheets at Skills Blitz

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