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An overhead shot of the Annual Winnipeg Schools’ Science Fair at the Bannatyne Campus.

An overhead shot of the Annual Winnipeg Schools’ Science Fair at the Bannatyne Campus

Bringing students to campus: Science fair provides an opportunity to engage

September 4, 2014 — 

WHAT: The Winnipeg Schools’ Science Fair brings hundreds of Grade 4-12 participants to the U of M every year. More than 400 students proudly present their scientific skills at the Bannatyne campus.

HOW IT WORKS: Members of the College of Medicine and industry experts are among the volunteer judges. Students are encouraged to identify, plan and solve a problem—or sets of problems—using science inquiry from one of the nine project categories, which include: automotive and engineering; biology; chemistry; computer and information technology; consumer science; earth and environmental science; physics and mathematics; social science; and sustainable development and innovation.

WHY IT’S IMPORTANT: The fair provides the young scientists with a platform to exchange ideas with other participants, as well as discuss their research and make connections with experts in the field.

ITS REACH: The day-long event, hosted by the U of M’s College of Medicine, involves participants from more than 30 Winnipeg School Division schools.

THE INSPIRATION: “It gives us a chance to engage with the students and see how excited they are to showcase their projects—it’s a great experience for everyone,” says Brian Postl, dean of the College of Medicine and dean & vice-provost of the Faculty of Health Sciences.




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