New issue of RadyUM magazine available online
Discover the latest accomplishments of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences community in the just-published, online-only Winter 2020 issue of RadyUM magazine.
This is the seventh issue of the publication that celebrates the successes of students, faculty and alumni of the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, Max Rady College of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy and College of Rehabilitation Sciences.
The leaders of all five colleges have joined in a Deans’ Message reflecting on the implications and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The magazine highlights the current work of Rady Faculty researchers, including those who belong to the Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research, which is marking its 35th anniversary.
The issue showcases Rady Faculty alumni whose achievements range from advancing the profession of dental hygiene in Canada’s North to studying causes of death in India.
The resilience and dedication of Rady Faculty students come through in pieces such as the cover story – a look at dentistry students adapting to stringent new protocols to guard against COVID-19 at their college clinic.
The compelling stories in the Features section include a piece about Rapid Response Teams that have been deployed to First Nations communities to combat COVID-19. This First Nations-led initiative is co-ordinated by the Rady Faculty’s Ongomiizwin – Health Services.
Explore the Awards and Honours earned by faculty members and stay up-to-date on all things Rady Faculty by visiting the Notable News section.
Read the new issue of RadyUM magazine now.