Introducing UM Travel Tools
Various travel supports and resources now available
Heading abroad?
You’ll be joining an increasing number of University of Manitoba students, staff and faculty who undertake travel as part of the university experience. While the benefits of traveling abroad are numerous, it could also expose you to potential travel-related risks.
Enter UM Travel Tools – supports and resources to ensure safe, successful university-related international travel. New tools from the International Centre include the:
- International Pre-Departure Orientation in UMLearn, an online course with five modules: Travel Healthy, Travel Smart, Travel Culturally Aware, Travel Ethically and Travel Risk Management
- International Travel Registry that allows UM community members to register their travel and facilitates emergency/crisis response, as well as the Registry for Visiting Student Researchers
- International Opportunity Search, a search engine that allows students to search for UM-organized international opportunities
Existing travel resources from the International Centre and other UM units include:
- International SOS, UM’s first point of contact in an international emergency that provides free, 24-7 medical and travel security assistance to faculty, staff and students
- MoveON mobility management software
- International Mobility Resource Network, a network of UM professionals involved in mobility
- Travel Crisis Team, which is responsible for coordinating emergency response, travel suspensions and alerts, etc.
- Travel Services, a Financial Services unit that administers the University’s travel program, including procurement of travel for and on behalf of the UM community, travel arrangements and expense claims, the travel credit card program, and the Concur travel and expense tool
A new international travel tools webpage is also available, as well as travel risk resources and a summary of the travel safety and crisis supports the UM offers faculty, staff and students. Information on data security during travel is also available.
An Off-Campus Activities Policy and Procedure is also in development. Further information will be released at a later date.
Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.