Enhancing careers through mentoring and guided networking
For a third year, the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and the Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) – Prairies are providing the Agriculture Mentorship Program. This program pairs female university students with female professionals in a one student to two mentor ratio.
We are looking for female professionals of various backgrounds and experiences to become mentors and contribute to the career development of the next generation of women working in agriculture.
As a mentor, you will commit to building a relationship with your co-mentor and student mentee by engaging with them and attending two set evening events (2018-19 events included speed networking and an alcohol ink craft). These Winnipeg-based events will focus on specific career-enhancing themes and guided networking. Add-on activities will also be part of the program, along with student-initiated conversations in the form of emails, calls and coffee meetings. An orientation luncheon in late September is also provided, should you wish to attend.
Events will begin in late September 2019 and end in March 2020. A registration fee of $20 will apply to successful applicants. Space is limited to 40 mentors for the 2019-20 program. Deadline to apply is September 17.
We hope to hear from you!
Full program details and the application link can be found online. Please contact Siobhan at Siobhan.Maas@umanitoba.ca with any questions or concerns.
This is an initiative sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Manitoba and the Prairie NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering program.
Please encourage any colleagues or friends to apply who might benefit from this program!