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Environmental Health and Safety Office
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Meet your Safety Superheroes: Darrin Jolicoeur, Administrative Assistant

Learn more about the front-line contact for Environmental Health and Safety

July 5, 2019 — 

Similar to superheroes, the safety officers at the University of Manitoba also work to save the day!

Get to know the safety professionals in your Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) office. We’re spilling the “safe-tea” with these safety heroes to learn about their career path and the rewards and challenges of their role. 

Introducing Darrin Jolicoeur, the Administrative Assistant for Environmental Health and Safety and Risk Management. Darrin is the first point of contact for EHS. He directs your safety questions to the appropriate EHS personnel and is responsible for coordinating events, registrations, website management and generally ensuring EHS runs smoothly.   

D. JolicoeurHow did you come to this career/position?
I originally provided administrative duties in the audio visual department of the University before joining EHS. It’s been a great match as I was seeking a change in environment and new challenges but still working at the University of Manitoba.

Name something rewarding and challenging in your position.
For me, the people I get to work with has been a rewarding experience. We all communicate and collaborate well as well I get a unique opportunity to learn about different safety program – from understanding types of biological agents, to regulations about fire safety – our office is responsible for such a broad range of programs.  

What might others be surprised to know about what you do?
Although I have administrative duties, I have to rely on my science degree (from the UM) extensively for my position. It’s been invaluable in being able to collaborate with personnel in our office and I can appreciate the difference between E.coli and sodium hypchlorite and the hazards they pose. 

Superhero you most identify with and why:
Given the nature of my work, I think the Avengers best describes my experience in the office.  We have safety specialists in their own field but for us to really succeed we have to work as a team. The communication and collaboration our office has is critical for success, especially for my position.  

You can reach Darrin at or at 204-474-6633


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