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2014 Service After Death Burial & Memorial Service

June 16, 2014 — 


2014 Service After Death Burial & Memorial Service will take place on Wednesday, June 25, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Commemorating the men and women who have made a unique contribution to the advancement of medicine and the University of Manitoba.
The University of Manitoba, College of Medicine, and the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science invite you to attend the 2014 Burial and Memorial Service to pay respects to the individuals who have donated their bodies for anatomical studies.

10:00 a.m.
Neil Bardal Funeral Centre
3030 Notre Dame Avenue

11:30 a.m. (approximately)
Brookside Cemetery
3001 Notre Dame Avenue

Please confirm your attendance by June 13, 2014 to Jacki Armstrong at 204-789-3652
or via email:

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