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2013 Outreach Awards

January 7, 2014 — 

Eleven faculty and staff of the University of Manitoba were recognized for their outstanding community involvement through Outreach Awards at a special reception on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Two of the recipients were from the Faculty of Engineering.

Witold Kinsner, Electrical & Computer Engineering, was the recipient of the Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell Outreach Award. He has been with the department of electrical and computer engineering since 1978, and has been involved in many outreach programs and student projects during this time. He has been a recipient of the University Outreach Award three times, in 1981, 1988 and 2009, testimony to the his innovation and teaching excellence. His many outreach activities include: T-Sat; Space Camp; the Verna Kirkness Program for Indigenous students; the IEEE Teachers-In­Service Program (TISP); the IEEE Xtreme Programming contest; a radio course on theory and operation; and the Peguis First Nation Science and Technology Symposium.

Kristopher Dick, Biosystems Engineering, for his efforts in establishing “El Pueblo Creciente” which has a long-term goal to provide alternative housing solutions to people living in impoverished areas of Honduras. Dick has developed a service learning opportunity for our students who are interested in helping to build a home in rural Honduras. An inaugural trip in February, 2013 was a success, with the students designing and building a house, rainwater collection/filtration system, stove, sink and latrine.


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