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Carved by Coast Salish artist Luke Marston, the TRC Bentwood Box is a lasting tribute to all Indian Residential School Survivors. The box travelled with the TRC to all of its official events. // Photo by Adam Dolman

Truth and Reconciliation Research Centre seeks additional submissions for members of governing circle

August 18, 2014 — 

The National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NRCTR) has extended its deadline in its request for nominations of individuals to be part of the NRC Governing Circle. First Nations, Inuit and Metis organizations, groups, communities and individuals across Canada were invited to submit names for consideration.

Ry Moran, director of the Centre, says, “Ensuring we have strong Indigenous voices guiding the development of the Centre is essential to our success. This first Governing Circle will undoubtedly set the tone for years to come for the Centre. We want to ensure that communities, Aboriginal organizations and Indigenous peoples have the fullest opportunity possible to contemplate and nominate individuals to this circle. It is for this reason we are extending the date by one month.”

Highlighting the critical importance of Survivor voices in the governance of the Centre, Moran notes: “The Centre will be moving quickly forward on forming a Survivors Circle once the Governing Circle is in place.”

Housed at the University of Manitoba, the NRCTR is working collaboratively with a number of partners and organizations across the country in preparation to accept all documents, statements and other materials collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission over the course of its Mandate.

In addition to preserving the sacred memory of these materials, in collaboration with its partners, the NRC will play an active role in fostering greater understanding of the Residential School system and legacy in addition to continuing to foster Reconciliation across Canada.

Members of the Governing Circle will be selected by a review committee comprised of First Nations, Metis, Inuit, Community and Youth representatives in addition to Survivor, TRC Commissioner and University of Manitoba representatives.

The closing date for submissions has been extended to Friday, September 19, 2014.

A link to the Nomination Package can be found at:

For more information on the National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, please visit:

For more information, please contact Ry Moran, Director, National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, University of Manitoba, at: 204-474-6618, or email:

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