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Truth and reconciliation research centre launches website and begins search for director of research

November 6, 2014 — 

One day after a blessing ceremony for its new home at the University of Manitoba, the National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NRCTR) has launched its first website and issued a call for applications for its first Director of Research.

“This is a week of milestones on the journey to our public opening next summer,” said NRCTR Director Ry Moran. “Yesterday’s pipe ceremony brought together people from all walks of life who are deeply committed to the Centre and reminded us of our sacred purpose. We are here to preserve the truths of Canada’s Residential School history and to work towards Reconciliation.”

The new NRCTR website is hosted by the U of M, as is the Centre itself. The university, in partnership with universities and other organizations across Canada was selected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada to safeguard all of the statements, documents, sacred objects and other materials collected over the course of its mandate. In time, the NRCTR will archive other Indigenous collections from across Canada and beyond.

The website describes the Centre’s role, governance and operations, as well as facilitating access to some statements, documents, photographs, background information and educational materials.

This is just a beginning

“But this is just a beginning,” said Moran. “We are currently preparing the main access website that, within the bounds of privacy laws and Indigenous protocols, will eventually facilitate online access to the entire NRCTR digital archive.”

U of M President Dr. David Barnard participated in yesterday’s blessing ceremony and expressed the university’s ongoing commitment to both the Centre and to Reconciliation.

“We are committed to ensuring that the NRCTR is used by as many people as possible,” said Dr. Barnard. “We want teachers to share the stories it holds with their students, and parents to share them with their children. We want scholars from our university, our province, our country and around the world to search these records for the profound truths they contain.”

The U of M was the first post-secondary institution in Canada to offer a statement of apology and reconciliation to Indigenous peoples. The university is providing the Centre with a home at Chancellor’s Hall, expertise and core resources. Indigenous achievement is a pillar in the university’s strategic plan.

The Centre’s small staff, working out of Chancellor’s Hall as of today, is comprised mostly of students in the university’s archival studies program but will soon include a director of research (call for applications).

“We’re scouting for the perfect person to complete our team,” said Moran. “Finding the right person for this position will be yet another significant step towards providing Survivors, their families and the Canadian public with a world-class learning resource. “


For more information, contact at 204-318-2926.

Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.

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