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A mother and gosling.

Take a gander

Nesting locations, geese population management, community safety — now with interactive map!

April 25, 2018 — 

To promote safe cohabitation between the University community and wildlife, a Wildlife Management Plan inclusive of all wildlife on campus is being developed in consultation with industry experts both internal and external to the University.

The University of Manitoba has created a Goose Education and Awareness committee to inform our plan and to educate the university community about safely cohabiting with geese on campus. This committee consists of interested stakeholders from within the University. Our wildlife and geese population plan is also informed by Manitoba Conservation, Environment Canada and the U of M Avian Behaviour Laboratory.

Geese population management and community safety strategy for 2018

Here is an overview of what we are doing to ensure the safety of our community community and to manage geese populations on campus for 2018. See more on our current geese population management and community safety strategy on the Physical Plant Wildlife Plan 2018 website.

Deterring nesting in high-traffic areas

To prepare for nesting season, Physical Plant monitors well-known nesting areas. In consultation with experts, above-ground planters have been covered with coned mesh wire to promote nesting in locations with less pedestrian traffic. Where installing mesh wire is not feasible, areas are being treated with coyote urine to simulate predator-prey interactions that geese may encounter outside metropolitan areas, causing them to choose new nesting locations.

The Canada Goose.

Signage to warn pedestrians of nest proximity

Once a nest is successfully established, Physical Plant will install signage nearby to alert pedestrian traffic to the proximity of a nesting goose. This signage is for the pedestrian’s safety as much as it is for the nesting female and her mate. Therefore, if you see signage, please consider an alternate path.

Want to be even more proactive in planning your trek across campus? Visit our active nesting sites page, which is continually updated with nesting site locations across campus.

Ensuring community and goose safety for rooftop nesting

For goslings hatched in rooftop nests, Physical Plant will provide ramps for safe access off rooftops. In extreme cases where goslings require assistance, MB Wildlife Branch will be contacted by Physical Plant. Under no circumstances should staff or students attempt to access rooftop areas to provide assistance to geese.

If there are concerns with a goose or goslings in an area, contact Physical Plant at 204-474-6281 or email: goose [at] umanitoba [dot] ca

Physical Plant will coordinate appropriate services.

Canada geese feeding on grass

Nesting Sites

As temperatures rise, female geese choose their nesting sites on campus. Physical Plant will update our interactive goose nesting map, which can be used to plan your exterior route on campus as to not disturb nesting geese.

If you see a nest not on our map, please report it to goose[at]umanitoba[dot]ca or 204-474-6281.

Goose Education and Awareness Plan

The Goose Education and Awareness Committee is dedicated to providing tools and resources to the University community about our native goose population. With proper education and awareness, we can coexist safely in our shared environment on campus.

Goose hotline

The University community can help to ensure community safety and protection of the geese by reporting items of concern to our goose hotline. All information is received by Physical Plant, and acted on in accordance with our geese population management and community safety strategy.

Examples of goose-related items to report could include:

– Aggressive geese

– Near misses/incidents with geese

– Geese nesting near high traffic areas

– Geese nesting on roof tops

– Injured geese

To report a goose-related problem, email or phone 204-474-6281.


RespectTheGoose-Graphic_FNL2Respect the Goose Series

For other facts and tips on geese, goose behaviours and successfully cohabitating on campus, see more of our “Respect the Goose” series.

Mar. 21, 2018: Geese who’s back? Cohabiting with campus wildlife

Apr. 4: Can’t we all just goose along? Tips, dos and don’ts

Duck, duck, goose: What to do if you encounter a goose

Apr. 17: Geese are part of our community: Article by Dr. James Shapiro

You can also follow us on social media here: #respectthegoose

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2 comments on “Take a gander

  1. Dane Barringer

    I am very pleased that the University has put together a plan to allow for goose (and human) safety so that the geese on our campus can live here and nest in peace. THANKS !

  2. Joan McConnell

    I agree. This is a wonderful resource, and very respectful of our feathered neighbours. Looks like efforts have been working – only a few nests on campus.

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