Transportation Survey results and news on sustainable transportation open houses
The results are in! In January 2016, 4,384 people from our University community shared their experiences commuting to campus by participating in the University of Manitoba’s first ever comprehensive Transportation Survey. The (76%) of responses were from staff and students, with an additional 16% from faculty and 8% from non-University employees.
We now have a much better idea of how our community travels to our campuses, and how to influence travel choices. On both Bannayne and Fort Garry Campuses, respondents reported using a sustainable mode of transportation (bike, walk, carpool, bus, park and ride) for close to 50% of overall trips.
We also asked our University community: “Under ideal circumstances, how would you prefer to commute to and from campus/work (choose up to 2 modes)?” Many people identified a preference to travel by carpool (38% Fort Garry, 36% Bannatyne), bike (35%, 31%), transit (26%, 24%), walking (14%, 13%) or park & ride (6%, 8%) for at least some trips, under ideal circumstances.
Both Fort Garry and Bannatyne community members identified similar infrastructure and program changes as being “Very Important” to influencing their commute choices. The top 5 choices were in a slightly different order, but were the same for both campuses.
- Discounted bus pass such as Ecopass and UPass
- Improved walking opportunities
- Increased bus frequency and space on the bus
- Improved cycling infrastructure including separated bike lanes and bike parking
- Affordable student housing close to campus
People who participated in the survey were also given an opportunity to make comments. One survey participant requested “More places to lock up my bike!”, adding “There isn’t enough room in summer.” Another participant suggested workshops to prepare cyclists for riding in the winter because “Winter cycling presents many challenges that most cyclists do not anticipate”. Participants also mentioned wanting better opportunities to find carpooling matches: “I would like to see a program to help find people to carpool with.”
Based on feedback from the transportation survey, the Office of Sustainability is developing a Sustainable Transportation Strategy for our campuses. The Strategy is made up of over 80 action items to continue to expand and improve transportation options on and leading to our campuses. Actions include development of a pedestrian and cycling plan for our campuses, additional supports for carpooling, bike lockers, the construction of a bicycle repair kiosk and exploring opportunities to improve the efficiency and affordability of transit options.
Find out more and provide feedback by attending one of four Sustainable Transportation Strategy Open Houses:
- January 23, 2017, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., EITC Atrium
- January 26, 2017, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., University Centre, Lower Level
- February 1, 2017, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Brodie Atrium
- February 2, 2017, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Active Living Centre, Agora Atrium
Read the complete survey report and find out more about U of M Sustainable Transportation on the Office of Sustainability Website.