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Canada Goose

Geese who’s back

Respect the goose: Cohabiting with campus wildlife

April 16, 2024 — 

Over the next few weeks, geese are returning to Manitoba. Several geese have already been spotted this week. As we welcome back our migrating wildlife, Physical Plant is preparing for the increased goose presence at the Fort Garry campus.

Many geese stay in and around Winnipeg because of their protected status in urban environments and the availability of water, food, nesting sites and safety from predators.

Please be cautious! These unique campus community members are interesting and fun to watch — but be sure to do so from afar. Geese can be aggressive when they feel threatened. However, with some consideration, geese and humans can share our campus without incident.

Operations and Maintenance will be covering planters to deter nesting in areas with high human traffic; geese that nest on rooftops will be provided access ramps for their goslings upon hatching. As the geese begin to nest, signs will be posted in nesting areas to warn people of their presence. Geese don’t like to be surprised and can be protective of their area.

This story is part of the U of M’s “Respect the Goose” education and awareness campaign regarding the goose population on the Fort Garry campus with input from internal and external experts and other stakeholders.

For concerns with wildlife on our campuses, please contact the Customer Service Desk at

You can learn more by reading the Respect the Goose series.

You can also learn more about Operations and Maintenance’s wildlife management plan on the goose education web page.

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One comment on “Geese who’s back

  1. Dane Barringer

    Excellent article. Hopefully everyone reads this and can learn to appreciate the presence of the Geese on our campus and share it with them.

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