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Campus Beautification Day 2017

Help make the Fort Garry and Bannatyne Campuses even more beautiful

May 24, 2017 — 

Friday, June 2 has been designated Campus Beautification Day at the University of Manitoba. In case of rain or inclement weather, Monday, June 5 is set as an alternative date.

The event has become an annual tradition and this year marks the 20th anniversary for the community-wide effort. Staff, faculty, students and even community members are invited to rub their green thumbs together for a morning of planting, mulch-spreading, and beautifying both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses. Campus Beautification Day is also a great opportunity to meet and have fun with co-workers and maybe win some prizes.

The theme for this year is UM 140, Canada 150 and accessibility.

Campus Beautification Day has been a hugely popular and successful event each year, and it could not be done without the hard work and contributions of the volunteers who care so much about the U of M campuses.

The day begins at 9:00 and runs until 12:00. Afterwards, all participants are invited to a barbecue lunch at the Agora inside the Active Living Centre. As in the past, the barbeque will be a zero-waste event. Lunch tickets will be provided at the registration table starting at 11:30. Prizes will also be given away, including two flight tickets from West Jet.

Physical Plant strives to provide as many tools and as much equipment as possible, but if participants are encouraged to bring their own tools as well.

Questions can be sent via email to

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