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Transit Station

Bus Rapid Transit upgrades

December 12, 2017 — 

The City of Winnipeg’s Rapid Transit construction project at the Fort Garry campus is scheduled to be completed by December 2017. This construction is part of the early works for the Southwest Transitway project. Stage 2 of the Transitway project will be completed in late 2019, with operation beginning in April 2020.

Here are a few important upgrades, set to begin Dec. 17, that you need to know about:

Dafoe Road

Bus service will be relocated to Dafoe from Maclean on Dec. 17.

Two-way transit service will be added, including two new eastbound drop-off points:

  • one in front of the Agriculture Building, across from the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (the former music building at 65 Dafoe Road) and
  • one in front of Taché Hall.

Westbound stops on Dafoe Road will remain in the same general locations:

  • near the Tier Building and the Quad, with some stops extending further east near the Isbister Building
  • and in front of the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (the former music building at 65 Dafoe Road).
  • The existing stop at the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning will be enhanced with outdoor seating and a larger shelter.

The new U of M Station near the Tier Building and the Quad

Will be made up of four separate westbound stop platforms.

The Station will have 4 BUSwatch signs (one per platform), and 5 large heated shelters including covered waiting areas and outdoor seating.

Please note that bus shelter heat and lighting is estimated to be operational early January 2018, as work on the power supply is completed.

Additional pedestrian crosswalks across Dafoe Road will be added to make the new station area safer and more accessible.

U of M Station will stretch from the eastern corner of the Quad and continue past the Isbister Building. This additional area allows enough space for buses to run, while preserving green space and enhancing tree health in the Quad area. See image and route information below. Note: Location of stops are being assessed by  Winnipeg Transit and may change. Updated information will be provided prior to any changes.

  • A – routes 51, 137, 162 & 170 
  • B – routes 72 & 78
  • C – routes 36, 75 & 76
  • D – routes 60, 160, 161 & 185

Indoor access to the eastern-most stops in the station area will be available through the Isbister Building, which connects to the campus tunnel system.

The station area on Dafoe Road (east of Gilson Street) will be restricted to bus traffic only.

A ‘bus staging area’ will be constructed at the easterly end of Dafoe Road. Buses will wait there to begin their routes.

The existing stop on University Crescent at Chancellor Matheson

Will remain in the same location

Will have new outdoor bench seating, and yellow detectable warning panels along the curb.

Transit Changes

Schedule changes will also be in effect beginning Dec. 17For up-to-date transit changes, visit

If you have questions, please contact Winnipeg Transit by calling 311 or emailing

Click here to check out the new U of M Transportation Hub website for all things transportation.


5 comments on “Bus Rapid Transit upgrades

  1. Robert O'Kell

    The proposed changes, making Dafoe Road a two-way bus street for 14 different bus routes will cause a lot of congestion with negative effects for pedestrians crossing the street and for those cars trying to exit the parking lots from the Active Living Centre to the Engineering complex. Can the current state of the paving on that road bear all this traffic?

  2. william

    Transit plan looks good – hopefully one day (soon) we can totally remove cars from the center of campus leaving the quadrangle and area around the administrative building a green space – I have been on many university campuses that have created such central green space – adds to the quality and beauty of campus life.

  3. Leslie

    Would it be possible to post a photograph of this new station? I’m not sure when my next trip to the U of M will take place but I’d love to see what it and the surrounding street looks like.

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