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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
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Building community for women in agriculture

August 20, 2018 — 

The University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science is seeking professionals and students to participate in the Agriculture Mentorship Program for the 2018-2019 year. The program, the first of its kind in Manitoba, pairs female students with female professionals in the agri-food sector for a series of fun events focused on career development and community-building within the field.

Mentors in the program have the opportunity to help support women early in their careers. Students have the opportunity to learn from professionals with compatible expertise and interests, and to explore many different careers in the agricultural and food science sectors. For all participants, it is a chance to expand their networks, build skills, and engage in critical discussions about being a woman in agriculture.

This initiative is sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science of the University of Manitoba  and the Prairie NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering program and launched in the 2017-2018 year with great success.

“In our first year, it was remarkable to see how the Agriculture Mentorship Program brought people together – it truly succeeded at creating connections between individuals, from those with a great depth of experience and knowledge in agriculture, to those new to the field,” said Annemieke Farenhorst, Chair for Women in Science and Engineering.

“What struck me most was how diverse a group we ended up with, in many senses: we had mentors and students representing an incredibly broad range of careers and areas of expertise, but also of life experiences and backgrounds.”

University students are carefully matched to mentors with relevant expertise and equivalent mentoring goals. The student-led initiative introduces students to the structure and environment of the professional world in a supportive community.

There is no cost to take part. Mentorship will begin in October 2018 and end in April 2019, and consists of three organized events per year, plus additional meetings at the discretion of their small groups. The organized group events are interactive and fun, and each consist of a discussion topic or specific learning area. Mentee/mentors can strengthen their relationship outside of the events via email, Skype, phone calls or meetings, depending on their interest and schedule.

If you would like to apply as a mentor or mentee, please contact with any questions or sign up at

Information about the program is also available online at

Mentor Application Deadline: August 31, 2018
Mentee Application Deadline: September 28, 2018

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