Left to right: Kristin MacCuish (lead), Liz Fyfe (second), Selena Kaatz (third), Kerri Einarson (skip)
Asper Co-op Q&A: Selena Kaatz
Selena Kaatz is majoring in Accounting and has her sights set on pursuing a CPA designation when she graduates. She’s currently working her second and third co-op work terms with Deloitte as a staff accountant. We asked her some questions about her Asper Co-op experience.
Q: Describe your current role and what you do.
As a staff accountant, I work within a team and am responsible for assigned sections of the audit, whether it be with smaller private companies or larger corporate companies.
Q: What is it like to work at a firm such as Deloitte?
Working at Deloitte has been a great experience. The people are all so helpful and kind. Whenever I have a question there is always someone willing to help. It also has been a great learning environment. I’ve been exposed to many different sections of the audit, which has helped me to understand what is required of an audit.
Q: What has been the highlight of your co-op experience so far?
Meeting so many great people. I’ve made many friends from working at Deloitte, as well as people I’ve met at recruiting events and through ASCA (Asper Students Co-op Association).
Q: You are a competitive curler. Tell us about how Deloitte has supported you to pursue your athletic goals while on your co-op work term?
I’ve been curling for 16 years and started playing competitive at the age of 13. I have represented Manitoba at Junior Nationals but unfortunately lost the National final. I have lost two consecutive Women’s Provincial finals, two years ago to Chelsea Carey and last year to Olympic gold medallist Jennifer Jones. My team (Team Einarson) curls on the World Curling Tour where we travel across Canada to compete. This year we travelled to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Alberta.
Deloitte has been very supportive of my curling goals. With all the time I spend travelling for bonspiels I have missed some days of work. To accommodate this, Deloitte and I have come up with a way that I can work at Deloitte as well as aspire to achieve my goals. Many times while I’m on the road I bring my computer along to complete my work. As well, many of my coworkers are very supportive of me. I get texts while I’m on the road as they are following along with how I’m doing.
Another thing that I am so grateful for is Deloitte’s sponsorship. As in any sport, competing at a high level of competition requires a lot of dedicated time and effort, but can also be a potential financial struggle. To become one of the best women’s teams in the world we must compete against the best women’s teams in the world. Deloitte’s sponsorship goes a long way to help cover costs of travel and training.
Q: What has the Asper Co-op program done for you, personally and professionally? Why would you encourage students to join a Co-op program?
The Asper Co-op program has helped me grow personally and professionally. Co-op helped me decide which career path I wanted to take, as I was unsure when I first joined. It also allowed me to open up and not be as shy. I have met a lot of wonderful people throughout this program and because of that I would encourage every Asper student to join.
Q: In your opinion, what are the benefits of hiring a co-op student from an employer perspective?
The benefit of hiring a co-op student is that if the student decides to work full time for the company, the employer would gain a more qualified employee. The employer wouldn’t have to spend as much time training them, when they have already been trained during the co-op work terms.