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UM Today

Departments Archive

Desiree Scott poses proudly and shows off the logo on her shirt.

What Everyone’s Talking About

October 26, 2021 — 
From a nail-biting Olympic win to the breakthrough that’s got the tech industry so excited

A photo of Michael Benarroch.

Happy Spring

April 16, 2021 — 
Michael Benarroch reminds us what we have to look forward to

John Kearsey.

Think big, be bold

April 16, 2021 — 
John Kearsey on finding the possibilities among the impossible

The U of M art barn, with graphic orange paint splatters on it.

It Happened Here

April 16, 2021 — 
Longing to be back together in UM spaces, we asked three alumni for their most meaningful campus memory

Glen running at the side of a road in the desert.

You Can Run for How Long?

April 16, 2021 — 
In these pandemic times, what ultramarathoner Glen Redpath can teach us about endurance

A man plays a guitar in a yellowed, vintage photo.


April 16, 2021 — 
Acclaimed journalist Michael Posner on his serendipitous encounter with the iconic Leonard Cohen

Luther Konadu, Self portrait

Making an Impression

April 16, 2021 — 
Luther Konadu constructs photographs that are tactile and personal, and the world is taking notice

The Big Idea, a graphic illustration with grafitti lettering and imagery.

Sound Off

April 16, 2021 — 
Looking for a big idea to move us forward? Here’s two—from alumni Frank Busch and Marcia Friesen

Dalima Chhibber kicks a soccer ball in a monotone silhouette that goes through different colours.

Bend it Like Dalima

April 16, 2021 — 
Why this UM Bison soccer star Dalima Chhibber got mobbed at the mall

A photo hangs on a vintage wallpaper.

Voices of Pandemic Past

April 16, 2021 — 
The personal stories of rural Manitobans in the fight of their lives, uncovered by alumnus Wayne Chan


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