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Feature Archive

A drone flies over a farmer's field. Illustration by Leona Harder

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Millennial Farmers

October 24, 2018 — 
Exploring the push—and pushback—of technology on the family farm, and how one young ranching couple (who met on an “Aggies” pub crawl) is finding their own way.

Vaclav Smil. // photo by David Lipnowski [BA(Hons)/08]

Vaclav Smil

October 24, 2018 — 
If you want to know what this University of Manitoba Distinguished Professor Emeritus has to say about the state of our world, just ask his biggest fan, Bill Gates.

The New Work

May 1, 2018 — 
Reimagine the workplace as U of M researchers and alumni navigate the world of artificial intelligence and 20-something CEOs, nap pods and power shifts. How a new structure and space is transforming our 9 to 5.


May 1, 2018 — 
The recipients of the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards are back on campus and telling us about the work they do (or wish they did).

One Night

May 1, 2018 — 
Walk with alumnus Mitch Bourbonniere, who knows that a life’s work is more than what we do for a living. He helped create the Bear Clan foot patrol so Winnipeg’s most vulnerable aren’t alone in the cold. From a career, he found a calling.

Masters of Disaster

May 1, 2018 — 
When it strikes, most people feel the urge to run away. But with experts in the growing field of disaster response, they run toward. From the scholars who research in the chaotic aftermath, to the doctors who heal in the makeshift, they’re telling us what to expect when faced with the unexpected.

An alley in Nairobi. Photo by Will Swanson

The Pain. The Progress.

October 19, 2017 — 
The University of Manitoba’s partnerships in Nairobi have helped to demystify HIV resistance among sex workers and inform policy that’s curbed the spread of the virus worldwide. Meet five people at the front lines in Kenya. The scientist. The doctor. The student. The women surviving the epidemic.

Illustrations by Jane Heinrichs [BA/05]

My World

October 19, 2017 — 
Three alumni living overseas—in London‚ Istanbul and Tel Aviv—tell us how they’re making these global hubs their own, and what the state of the world looks like just outside their window.

A ground squirrel.

Wild Things

October 19, 2017 — 
They’re accustomed to the questions, You work where? and You do what? U of M biologists trek to secluded corners—from the Amazon to the Arctic—to reveal hidden relationships and unknown habits in the animal kingdom, giving conservationists the insights to protect species as our global climate changes.

A 2012 social experiment by American filmmaker and author Errol Morris revealed we are more likely to trust what we read if it appears in a font called Baskerville, which is more than 250 years old.

The Social Experiment

October 19, 2017 — 
Everyday people are turning into researchers and putting human behaviour on view for all to see‚ and scrutinize. How are these experiments—often delivered through social media channels—challenging everything we thought we knew about ourselves?

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