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Winter Term 2025 Tuition and Fees payment deadline

January 23, 2025 — 

Fee payment deadlines are the last day to pay your fees without penalty. At the start of each term, this deadline falls after the last date to drop a course.

Learn about the escalating consequences of not paying your tuition and fees by the deadline.

Fee Deadlines 

All Winter 2025 tuition and fees need to be paid by

  • February 5th, 2025

Making A Payment 

Payments can be made from within Canada or from outside of the country. Students will find information on their payment options and detailed payment instructions on the Pay your Tuition page.

Late Fees

After the fee payment deadline, student accounts with an outstanding balance for the term will be assessed the following late fees.

Additionally, unpaid fees can result in a hold on your student account and deregistration from upcoming registered courses.

Viewing My Fees 

You can view your fee statement in your Aurora account. Once you have registered for courses, an official summary of your tuition and fees will be available in Aurora. To check your current balance: 

  1. Log in to Aurora
  2. Locate ‘View Account Summary by Term’ card and select ‘View my Account Summary by Term’
  3. Here you will be able to view a detailed summary of your charges

For further guidance on viewing your fees, please consult our guide on accessing and viewing your account Summary.

You Should Note That: 

  • You will not be sent a fee statement in the mail
  • You are responsible for being aware of your fee balance and making payment prior to the deadline
  • Your personal fee assessment is available through your Aurora account

You are financially and academically responsible for all courses in which you are registered after the revision deadline


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