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philosophy News Archive

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Faculty of Arts

New Faculty in Arts

October 5, 2018 — 
The Faculty of Arts welcomes several new members of faculty with appointments beginning July 1, 2018.

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Faculty of Science

Lecture: History and Philosophy of Science with Dr. Anita Guerrini, Oregon State University

September 17, 2018 — 
Dr. Anita Guerrini, Horning Professor in the Humanities and Professor of History, Oregon State University. Adjunct Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara. will deliver this year’s 2018 Robin Connor lectures in History and Philosophy of Science, hosted by the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts.

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Faculty of Arts

Celebrating the Class of 2018

June 19, 2018 — 
Meet two outstanding new Faculty of Arts Alumni.

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Armida falls in love with Rinaldo. Painting by Nicolas Poussin

Op-ed: Beyond consenting, women actually want to enjoy sex

January 22, 2018 — 
We need a new model for consent. And there is reason to believe a new model of consent is indeed emerging

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Vox: The pros and cons of having sex with robots

January 12, 2018 — 
Could sex robots solve the intimacy inequality gap?

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Faculty of Arts

CBC: Guy Gavriel Kay’s Fionavar Tapestry series optioned for television

December 21, 2017 — 
Guy Gavriel Kay's [BA/75, Philosophy] Fionavar Tapestry series, which has sold over a million copies worldwide since being published in the 1980s, has been optioned for television.

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a robot hand holding a human hand, surrounded by hearts

What the heck are digisexuals?

November 30, 2017 — 
A digisexual is someone who, because of their use of immersive technologies such as sex robots or virtual reality pornography, feels no need to search for physical intimacy with human partners, Neil McArthur explains

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CBC: U of M prof makes the case for sexbots

November 28, 2017 — 
"Sexbots aren't going to necessarily replace human partners, but I think they're potentially a powerful tool in addressing people's isolation," says Neil McArthur.

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Robot sex, as book launch

November 23, 2017 — 
McNally Robinson Booksellers on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 7:30 p.m

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newspaper stackwed up and all that shows is the word "classified"

Op-ed: Stop naming mass murderers in the media!

October 19, 2017 — 
The media can play a role in helping prevent future tragedies by not giving the perpetrators what they want. They can refuse to publish the names or photos of the people who commit these crimes.


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