Orientation News Archive

UM’s back to school blitz
August 26, 2020 —
Congratulations, you’re about to start your first year at the University of Manitoba! Let’s kick off the school year together, with a couple of exciting online events. These will be great opportunities to learn the ropes, put some faces to names, and begin to build your community.

Get an advantage in your first year
August 6, 2020 —
We want to ensure that you start university confident and secure that you’re going to do your best. For that reason, the University of Manitoba is offering online events and programming that will help you prepare for your first year. So, what can you do now to be sure you’re ready to hit the ground running in September?

Welcome to UM’s First Year Experience
July 28, 2020 —
New students offered holistic programming and support during their first year

Volunteer at UM Orientation 2020!
January 31, 2020 —
Orientation volunteers and more experienced Orientation team leaders build skills in leadership and communication, and receive credit on their co-curricular record (CCR).

Parents’ Guide to First Year 2019
August 14, 2019 —
As your student gets ready for their first year at the University of Manitoba, there are many ways you can assist in the transition from high school to university

Top five reasons to attend Welcome Day
July 16, 2019 —
For incoming undergraduate students Welcome Day is the perfect start to the academic year.

New event for new students: Making the Grade!
July 5, 2019 —
The next UM Orientation event is Making the Grade! happening July 17, on Fort Garry campus

Introducing: UM Orientation 2019
May 17, 2019 —
Some new and exciting things are on the way for orienting new students to the U of M

Volunteer at New Student Orientation 2019!
March 14, 2019 —
Sign Up Now to Volunteer at New Student Orientation 2019!

President Barnard: Welcome to the U of M
September 4, 2018 —
'I wish you all the best as you embark upon your exciting journey'