construction News Archive

Testing of steam boilers underway at Central Energy Plant
October 4, 2017 —
To continue on Thursday and Friday October 5 and 6

Safety tips for construction areas on campus
September 12, 2017 —
Exercise caution around worksites

Power outages on campus
September 1, 2017 —
University of Manitoba currently is experiencing a power outage in the following buildings.

Tree being removed
August 30, 2017 —
One of the University of Manitoba’s Elm trees located on the east side of EITC-1 (Engineering 1) has developed Dutch Elm Disease (DED).

Transit changes on campus
August 29, 2017 —
The current Maclean Transit stops will be relocated to University Crescent for September 2-3 to accommodate student residence move-in over the weekend.

New walkway being installed
August 25, 2017 —
In an effort to improve pedestrian safety, Physical Plant – Operations & Maintenance will be installing a new walkway and crosswalk along Gilson Road between Engineering 1 and Duckworth Quad.

McDermot Ave. pedestrian and cycling connection coming
August 24, 2017 —
The City of Winnipeg starts construction starts Monday, Aug. 28 on a new east-west pedestrian and cycling connection

Upgrade of north water main feed into campus
August 11, 2017 —
Starting Aug. 14 at 9:30 a.m., the City of Winnipeg will be upgrading the north water main feed into campus

Parkade repairs begin Monday, Aug. 14
August 11, 2017 —
Beginning Monday August 14 until Labour Day, repairs will be carried out in the parkade