Left to right: MILSA members Raven Morrisseau, Chloe Dreillich-Girard, and Kaitlyn Clarke; Jennifer Chen, MLA for Fort Richmond; MILSA member Kiersten Sanderson; and Marc Kruse, Faculty of Law Director of Legal Learning and Services.
MILSA receives Orange Shirt Day Fund grant from Province
Law students plan National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event for Sept 27
The Faculty of Law is pleased to share the news that the Province of Manitoba has presented the Manitoba Indigenous Law Students Association with a grant from the Orange Shirt Day Fund to help with hosting a special event to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The event will take place on Friday, September 27 at noon in the Robson Hall Common Room.
Ms. Jennifer Chen, MLA for Fort Richmond, visited Robson Hall on September 4, 2024 to meet with members of the Manitoba Law Students Association (MILSA) who had applied for the Fund, to present them with an official letter from the Province, confirming their successful application for support from the fund. The grant will assist MILSA to host a special event at the law school to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (observed nationally on September 30th).
According to the Province’s Manitoba Indigenous Reconciliation Secretariat website, the Fund Objectives are “to encourage Indigenous and non-Indigenous Manitobans to reflect on the impacts of the Indian residential school system through activities and initiatives that advance truth and reconciliation.”
Our focus is on promoting education and awareness as the future of the legal profession. We are coming together in honour of NDTR. The event is open to law students, faculty, lawyers, and the general UM community. – Kiersten Sanderson, 2L
The law students submitted a proposal to host an event that would “contribute to ensuring the legacy and impacts of the residential school system are not forgotten or downplayed” as per the Fund objectives.
The students had previously organized a community event in honour of Louis Riel Day last February, and wanted to ensure that the event in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation / Orange Shirt Day would also grow and reach a wider audience.
“Something that influenced us [to apply for the fund and organize this event] was that next year it will be 10 years since the release of the TRC’s Final Report and with the 94 Calls to Action,” said Kiersten Sanderson, one of the applicants for the fund.
“In addition we note that when it comes to Truth & Reconciliation, reconciliation cannot happen without knowing the truth of our shared history and relationship,” said Raven Morrisseau, who worked with Sanderson on the application.
“Our goal is to share and highlight some work that is currently being done involving Truth & Reconciliation. MILSA will also advertise that attendees wear orange in recognition of Phyllis Webstad and Orange Shirt Day,” explained Sanderson. “We also plan on providing additional resources, such as information sheets and resources for additional learning, to help provide as much information for attendees as possible. Additionally, there will be a shared meal, and we intend to begin the event in a good way with a prayer by an elder and an opportunity for attendees to smudge if they wish.”
Aims of the funds are to:
- recognize and honour Survivors for their strength and resilience
- commemorate and memorialize the children who never returned home from residential schools
- foster relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Manitobans
- support activities aligned with relevant legislation and commissions
- enhance understanding of the legacy of the residential school system in Manitoba